3 Selenium classes that can help you locate elements in Selenium

Dheeraj Gambhir
2 min readDec 10, 2019


Here we have discussed 3 Selenium classes that are not so popular but that can help you locate elements in Selenium:
- ByIdOrName
- ByChained
- ByAll

1) ByIdOrName — This helps the driver to locate an element either by name or by id. This is present under org.openqa.selenium.support package and to use this we have to call the constructor of the ByIdOrName class and pass the Name or ID. This method tries to find the element using ID first and it waits till the max implicit wait time for the element to locate using ID and if it is not able to find the element with ID then only it tries to locate with the Name.

As soon as the driver finds the element with id, it will not check the element with a name attribute and won’t want for max implicit wait time either.

driver.findElement(new ByIdOrName(“username”)).click();

2) ByChained — This helps the driver to locate the element based on the parent element, and it accepts an unlimited number of locators. This is present under org.openqa.selenium.support.pagefactory package. It finds the elements that are matched by the first argument, then searches their descendants using the second argument, etc.

driver.findElement(new ByChained(By.id(“username”), By.tagName(“input”))).sendKeys(“Hi Dheeraj!”);

This class will find all DOM elements that match each of the locators in sequence, e.g.

driver.findElements(new ByChained(by1, by2));

will find all elements that match by2 and appear under an element that matches by1.

3)ByAll — This helps the driver to locate the element based on all the given locators. This class searches for elements matched by all of the By arguments passed.

It tries to find the element using the 1st locator and if the element is not present using that locator then it waits for given implicit wait time and once it reaches the maximum wait time then it tries to find the element using the 2nd locator and this logic goes on until it finds the element, or there are no more locators.

This method follows the fallback strategy.

driver.findElement(new ByAll(By.className(“ui-flow”), By.id(“Register”))).sendKeys(“Please Register here:”);

If the first locator fails to locate the UI element on the page, then it uses the Fallback Locator Strategy to locate the UI element using the next locator from the multiple captured locators until all the captured locators fail.



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